This scholarship is awarded on a first come first serve basis and so if you qualify, it is really important that you apply as soon as it opens, which is Monday, 5 February 2024. There is a hard deadline of 15 April 2024. No aid will be awarded for those applying after this date.
ACE requires grade and attendance checks which we do provide for them. If you are awarded an ACE scholarship and do not take advantage of it, that money goes back to ACE for another applicant, it does not stay with the school for another applicant or assigned to your family for an additional sibling.
Over half of the scholarships awarded by ACE are to new families to Catholic school. So if you have never applied before and you qualify, now is the time! We have had families recieve the ACE scholarship that have been enrolled in our school and are not new, so do not let this deter you.
We also have other scholarships available through the diocese, various other Catholic organizations and the school. I encourage you to apply for all of them. Only aid will be awarded to those that apply at the website below.
The school's Financial Aid Committee will meet in the summer to award aid outside of ACE. Financial aid will not be granted unless a student's registration has been paid.
All financial aid applications are required to be completed through ACE Scholarship
Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you in this area. I definitely do not want anyone to miss out on the gift of a Catholic education.